Transputec Ltd Apps

Crises Control 2.2
Crises Control software is the best solutionto assist with Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery plans.It supports:• Planning• Implementation• Post-incident review• Performance improvementsfor your Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS).Crises Control makes life easier for managers and owners byproviding them with a collection of possible crises that have beenencountered by businesses. Users can edit these incidents andcreate their own personalised incidents according to specificcircumstances.This innovative app provides an effective communication tool foralerting stakeholders as soon as a crisis occurs. Crises Controlensures that the right people are notified instantly and areprovided with the necessary information including:• Your Initial action to be taken• Your Incident Operating Procedure• ‘How to’ videosPush, text, email and phone calls are all available options foralerts. You decide which combination works best for the users.